Kraanbedrijf Nederhoff B.V. is NEN-EN-ISO9001:2015 and SCC** 2017/6.0 certified, and a VVT recognized company. Below is a brief explanation of what this means for you and the relevant certificates.
NEN-EN-ISO9001:2015 is an international standard of quality management systems. The quality management system of Kraanbedrijf Nederhoff and its application is evaluated externally every year. This shows that we say what we do, do what we say, and we can prove it. The certificate of the most recent NEN-EN-ISO9001:2015 audit can be found here:
SCC** 2017/6.0
With SCC (Safety Certificate for Contractors) we show that we measure up to safety requirements and that our employees are aware of safety regulations. This is also evaluated annually by an external party.
The VVT Recognition Scheme.
Kraanbedrijf Nederhoff is a member of the trade association “Vereniging Verticaal Transport” (VVT). Kraanbedrijf Nederhoff also participates in the VVT Recognition Scheme. With the VVT Recognition Scheme, the VVT tests whether a member meets the established quality and safety aspects.