General Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions

All our transactions, quotations, price lists, etc. are subject to the general terms and conditions of Kraanbedrijf Nederhoff. In addition to these conditions, the General Transport Conditions (AVC), the CMR Convention, the General Conditions of Exceptional Transport (AVET) and the General Conditions of Commercial Removals (AVB) apply.

You can download the general terms and conditions of Kraanbedrijf Nederhoff BV via the link below:

In addition to the above general conditions, the following conditions apply to transports:

For removals, the following conditions apply:

Our terms and conditions are in PDF format. This format can be opened with the free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. It can be downloaded from Adobe’s official website . If you would like to receive our terms and conditions by mail, please contact us.

088 565 5555